Palliative Care Education Opportunities for HNHB Health Care Providers

Home and Community Care Support Services Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant offers a variety of hospice palliative care education courses.

Courses are:

  • For health care providers (personal support workers, nurses, volunteers, etc.) who work in long-term care homes, community service provider agencies and more
  • Designed to enhance participants’ knowledge of hospice palliative care
  • Offered multiple times per year in Hamilton, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant, Brantford, Six Nations and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation 

Offered through Home and Community Care Support Services Pain and Symptom Management Consultants who are registered nurses with expertise in palliative care and pain and symptom management.


The Fundamentals of Hospice Palliative Care

The Fundamentals of Hospice Palliative Care Core Program is an interactive, introductory level course ideal for health care providers or volunteers who support people with life-limiting illnesses.

Care team members have a variety of responsibilities and accountabilities, and play complementary and vitally important roles. Learners will be provided with a comprehensive review of roles and responsibilities of palliative care team members. The importance of effective communication and team functioning to  support the person and their family as they journey with progressive illness will be discussed.

Eligibility criteria

The Fundamentals of Hospice Palliative Care Program is intended for individuals working in the health system who have an interest in improving their knowledge in a palliative approach to care.

Comprehensive Advanced Palliative Care Education Program 

The Comprehensive Advanced Palliative Care Education Program combines the art and science of hospice palliative care for nurses (registered nurses/registered practical nurses, nurse practitioners). The program embeds best practice standards and aligns with the Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care (opens in a new tab) and focuses on the development and role of the nurse as a resource for the inter-professional team in long-term care homes, agencies, hospitals and communities.

Advanced Palliative Practice Skills Program

The Advanced Palliative Practice Skills Program is an educational opportunity for personal support workers, health care aides and hospice volunteers who have completed the Core Fundamentals of Hospice Palliative Care Program and who are currently working or volunteering in palliative care. The Advanced Palliative Practice Skills Program is comprised of three virtual learning online sessions with additional reading, reflections and e-learning modules.

The focus of this course is on the pharmacological management of pain. Pain assessment, management, and evaluation are foundational skills for nurses working in any practice setting. EPM aims to equip nurses with a foundational knowledge base and skills around pain management, from a palliative care approach, that can be applied to your practice.

Intended Audience
EPM is designed to benefit and appeal to all classes of nurses who care for adults living with life-threatening or life-limiting illnesses. It allows you set your own learning pace as you enhance foundational knowledge, interact with evidence-informed tools and resources to complete case-based activities, and engage in one or more coaching sessions designed to be responsive to your individual pain-related learning needs.

Got a question?

Contact a team member:

Carol Scott Program
906-684-4811 extension 3432